| November 10, 2021
Optics Shop Design

The aim of this project is to promote the current product of Garrett Leight, the best eyewear store in Europe that designs and sells eyeglasses, and to sell these...

| November 10, 2021
Thrivo Hair Salon

The aim of this project is to promote and sell 2 important products belonging to the Thrivo technology company through our design services for metaverse projects. For the virtual...

| November 10, 2021
Thrivo Updated For Pride Month

We have updated our thrivo project for pride month! We designed this project, inspired by hardness and nature, this time specially for the month of honor. We carried out...

| November 9, 2021
MetaverseCAC Office

MetaverseCAC, the first architecture office in Metaverse, is proud to announce the opening of its virtual office in decentraland. With a focus on virtual reality architecture and Metaverse simulation...

| November 9, 2021
Pyramid Casino

Have you visited our pyramid casino project? In this project, inspired by the pyramids, there are various games and interesting designs upon the wishes of our customers. There is...

| November 9, 2021
CBI Bank

Commercial Bank International First UAE Bank to Launch Metaverse Location. Our customer, whose modeling is finished, received coding support from us. Advertising videos were placed on the screens located...

| November 2, 2021
Geometric Building

Company non lorem ac erat suscipit bibendum. Nulla facilisi. Sedeuter nunc volutpat, mollis sapien vel, conseyer turpeutionyer masin libero sempe. Fusceler mollis augue sit amet hendrerit vestibulum. Duisteyerionyer venenatis...

| November 1, 2021
Twin Forestland Home

Company non lorem ac erat suscipit bibendum. Nulla facilisi. Sedeuter nunc volutpat, mollis sapien vel, conseyer turpeutionyer masin libero sempe. Fusceler mollis augue sit amet hendrerit vestibulum. Duisteyerionyer venenatis...

| November 1, 2021

Company non lorem ac erat suscipit bibendum. Nulla facilisi. Sedeuter nunc volutpat, mollis sapien vel, conseyer turpeutionyer masin libero sempe. Fusceler mollis augue sit amet hendrerit vestibulum. Duisteyerionyer venenatis...

| October 22, 2021
Woodenist House Lumberjack

Company non lorem ac erat suscipit bibendum. Nulla facilisi. Sedeuter nunc volutpat, mollis sapien vel, conseyer turpeutionyer masin libero sempe. Fusceler mollis augue sit amet hendrerit vestibulum. Duisteyerionyer venenatis...

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